Boulton Needs Your Help!

Donate your time, talent and/or dollars to help Boulton improve its rooftop playground.

Boulton is rich in many ways—its children, dedicated staff and quality programs—but as a not-for-profit organization, it depends on parent and community support to maintain and improve the centre.

At the top of the 2013 wish list? To upgrade the rooftop playground with a softer, safer play surface. Thanks to last year’s fundraising efforts, we’re just about halfway to our $8,400 goal, but we won't get there without your help.

Lending a hand is easy! Here are some simple ways you can contribute:

  • Join the board of directors!
  • Attend monthly board meetings!
  • Make a donation—be it money, time, talent or goods (e.g. clothing, toys, books)!
  • Serve on the fundraising committee!
  • Volunteer at our next fundraiser!
  • Spread the word about Boulton to your friends, family, neighbours and co-workers!

Ready to help? Send an email to and a member or the board will contact you to discuss how you can get involved.

Thank you for helping us make Boulton the best it can be!


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